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Udemy has a catalog of class categories that range from web development or design and marketing to languages or personal accomplishments.
you can always find all the free online courses offered by Udemy
Get to know HTML Learn HTML Basics
Step by Step introduction to HTML Explore HTML coding and how you can get started creating your own Web Content pages
- Create HTML pages
- HTML structures to build web pages
- Understand how to create tags within HTML
- Use HTML elements select them and style them
You can create Incredible Websites with HTML CSS Learn how
CSS and HTML work together to create web templates and more. Create a webpage from scratch web development course.
- write HTML code
- write CSS code
- combine HTML and CSS
- Create a web template
- Create a website
- Style a website
- Create an HTML5 form
HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals
Build your very own website with HTML5 from scratch using HTML5 and CSS3 – designed for complete beginners
- Know how to use Html tags and build with the most common ones.
- Learn the use of attributes and common settings.
- Create CSS stylesheets that control your site design and set them up on your project site.
- Understand how the elements go together to build each part of the site
- Finish a complete typical website as part of your lessons.
Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Improve your core development skills by building a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- ES6 JavaScript features like arrow functions, the spread operator, const and let, and template literal string
- how to use the Fetch API to load trivia questions from an API
- how to store high scores in Local Storage
- how to use Flexbox, Animations, and REM units in CSS
- how to create a progress bar from scratch
- how to create a spinning loader icon from scratch
Introduction to Bootstrap 3
An introduction to the basic features of Twitter Bootstrap 3 including the grid system, responsive utilities, and mixins.
- Become familiar with the basic features of Bootstrap 3
- Get to know the different components of version 3
- Explore some of the differences between V2.x and V3.x
- Harness the power of Bootstrap using LESS source files
- See how you can use Bootstrap with Rails 4
- Learn how to define a simple color scheme using the 1pxdeep tool